I use it

I like a lot the series of screencasts from Peepcode play by play where the author together with a designer or a programmer solves a problem, usually not a very complicated one.
I also like to have a look at a computer configuration of other people, that's why one of my favorites is http://usesthis.com and http://thesweetsetup.com.
My job is web development, mainly using Ruby on Rails, Ruby and JavaScript. Occasionally I open Xcode to write a couple of lines for my own project with Swift. Sometimes I write posts for my blog or take photos.
For the last 5 years I've been using only Mac for my work. My main working tool is MacBook Air mid 2012, another (home) one is iMac i5 21" late 2012.
I very seldom use launchpad and dock (the dock hides automatically). To launch apps I use Alfred app instead of spotlight + dock + launchpad. Alongside with Finder I often use ForkLift - one of the best file managers for OS X.
2 phones: iPhone 6+ (the main one) and Galaxy S4. I bought iPhone 6+ after long time of thinking and analyzing, I just decided to make that leap. Before that I had iPhone 5.
What I really like about iOS is the quality of its software and a well-thought-out UI. Even occasional faults cannot kill my loyalty to this operating system.
With every new release of Android I hope it has become mature but it never happens. Once in 1,5 years I try to move to Android and every time with no success.
iPhone is generally used for quick notes, for maps and for adding or looking through the daily tasks. Practically all pocket is read on this device. The books I read on iPad can be read on iPhone whenever there is some free time.
I also use iPad Mini 2 for reading PDF documents (why on earth does this format still exist in 21st century?) and epub files (they synchronize with iPhone 6+ via iBooks). It's occasionally used for watching TV series and surfing the Net.
For taking pictures there's Pentax K-30 with 2 lenses PENTAX-DA 35mm F2.4 AL and PENTAX DA 70mm F2.4 Limited. I like the second one for its sharpness and the picture although the first one is used more often.
Sublime Text 3 is the text processor which I use. I don't like IDE, I think they are not suitable for dynamic languages. For a long time I was a fan of TextMate (it was the reason why I moved from Linux to Mac), but a few years ago when Sublime was still young and the whole sphere of text processing was in the state of regression, TextMate was also slowly degrading. I tried Emacs but the absence of ctrl and any acceptable GUI versions of Emacs for OS X made me give it up and move to Sublime Text. TextMate is being actively written by the community so I hope to return to it pretty soon.
For blogging I use Simplenote. For quite a long time I used Evernote but its monstrosity and heaviness killed the program for me.
OmniFocus 2 keeps my ideas, tasks and projects. Before that was things, but after the release of the second version of OmniFocus and the launch of their advertising campaign (inside omnifocus), I decided to give it a second chance and I soon got used to it.
I've installed wunderlist for the exchange of to-do lists ( shopping, travel arrangements, etc.).
Dream setup
My dream setup is a new MacBook with the capability of MacBook Pro.
Mac Pro + 24" 4k with mat display for stationary use. iPhone with 5" diagonal and narrower edges round the screen. Oh, and Moto X with a fast Android :)